Scholarship Search

Scholarship Search

Use the Search Options below to search for available scholarship opportunities. To expand a search option, click on the + sign. If you simply wish to view all available scholarships, use the View All button.

  • Category Search - This option allows you to identify and search the categories that you feel are most relevant to you.
  • Keyword(s) Search - This field allows you to search on keywords associated with the scholarship. For example, financial need, major, academic career and plan, participation in extracurricular activities, etc.
  • Students can only submit ONE (1) CSU-Pueblo Foundation Application per Academic Year.

*Please note: You cannot apply for a specific scholarship

To be eligible for scholarships, new students will need to apply for admission. Please visit the admissions office or tap here to apply:

Students are encouraged to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to see if they are eligible for federal aid and other need-based aid. To complete a new FAFSA, please visit

If you have applied for admission, have your PAWS login and password, and would like to skip this search page to proceed directly to PAWS, click the Apply Now button below.

Scholarships (218)